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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Read online

Page 4

  Slapping the thick piece of flesh on her right check, she absorbed the warmth of it. It was always so hot. Licking her lips, Danity’s mouth watered while staring at the precious jewel. Just as beautiful as it’s owner, Keem’s dick was the nicest that Danity had ever encountered. Though there hadn’t been many, it was still considered the most memorable. Thick, long, and bright in color, it was just perfect –and sure to wreck some shit.

  “Ummm.” Danity hummed as she wrapped her lips around RaKeem’s dick. It was touching the back of her throat not before long, and she was causing vibrations with her moaning.

  Squeezing his toes, RaKeem enjoyed the tingling feeling that shot through his being. Up and down, Danity bobbed her head. As she moved up and down, she was sure to touch the back of her throat with the head of his dick. Nearly choking herself each time, she was rewarded with mounds of saliva. Keem was a sucker for sloppy head, and she wanted to make it as nasty as possible.

  Spit slid down her chin as she lifted her head from Keem’s middle. A trail ran from her mouth, chin, and onto his dick. She was a mess, but it was exactly how Keem preferred it. Looking into his hooded eyes, she winked and smiled. As quiet as she was, Danity was a fucking freak, and that’s what kept Keem coming back each time.

  Using her hands, she slid them both up and down the long thick instrument, moving them both from side to side. Pleasurable sensations overpowered RaKeem’s body as he slightly moaned. Danity knew exactly what to do. She’d learned his preferences, and they were all that she used during their intimate moments. Danity was sure to leave him fully satisfied each time that they played around.

  “Mmm.” Keem’s toes locked, as he prepared to release his first load. Once he got it out of the way, Danity would be the one moaning and groaning. It had been a minute, so he was ready to tear her fucking back out. She didn’t know it, but she had some straight drop coming her way.

  Grabbing Danity’s kinks, RaKeem forced her back on his piece. With an opened mouth, she accepted, knowing what was to come next. It was his time. He would soon cum. Danity wanted to waste nothing, because nothing was meant to be wasted. Her hot warm mouth would hold as much as RaKeem had coming her way, and she dare not spill a drop. Something so good was meant to savor, until it was all gone.

  “Uhhhhhhhhhhh!” Keem buckled as his seeds tore down Danity’s throat. She drank his semen like the little cum guzzler that she was. “Mmmm. Mm.” he finished off, still allowing Danity to jack him off with her two small hands.

  “Get up.” He caught his breath, and managed to say. “Up!” he patted her on the shoulder.

  Licking the remnants of RaKeem from her lips, Danity raised to her feet. She pulled her shorts off, and sat them neatly on the floor beside her. Then, she pulled her shirt from over her head. Bending forward over the bed, she hiked her ass in the air. Keem’s favorite position involved hitting her pussy from the back. Just as much as he did, she loved that shit.

  RaKeem removed himself from the bed, and stood behind Danity. Reaching down, he pulled the top drawer of the nightstand out, and grabbed a gold wrapped condom. He never ran in anything raw. Until Reed decided to give him some of her snatch, he’d forever be protecting her prize.

  Tearing it open with his teeth, he tossed the package into the garbage beside Danity’s bed. Keem rolled the condom on as he watched Danity wiggle her ass, teasing him. She’d be hollering in just a few, so it was best if she chilled with the antics. It was a known fact that she could barely take the dick, so he didn’t understand why she was always fronting.

  As usual, the XXL condom reached just before the base of RaKeem’s dick. It never would cover it all. He’d promised himself time and time again to look into something that would protect him a bit better. Hell, he’d even wanted to look into investing in a condom for men with large trunks. However, Reed would have to be the one to cover his basis, and he didn’t want the questioning to begin.

  Tapping his wrapped dick on Danity’s ass, he caused a slight snicker from her lips. With his right foot, Keem spread her legs a bit more, and he heard her sigh. Knowing that pain would be administered, she tried to brace herself. The laughing and giggles had come to a halt, and the real was taking in affect. Danity waited patiently to be penetrated.

  “Ahhh.” She winced as RaKeem tried to enter her snugged space.

  Pulling backwards and then going back in, he worked Danity’s pussy with his head until it was open enough to push his way through. With each stroke, he broke way a bit more. Eventually, he’d hit rock bottom, causing Danity to cry out in agony.

  It hurt so good, that she didn’t know how to control her vocals. She didn’t know if she should cry out or beg for more. Both pain and pleasure were fighting throughout her being, trying to claim their rightful spot.

  “Don’t nut up now, Danity. Throw that ass back.” RaKeem teased, knowing that she hated to be challenged. He wanted nothing more than to see her perfectly shaped ass being tossed on his dick.

  Danity lifted her head from the sheets on her bed and pushed herself backwards as RaKeem pressed forward. The two developed a rhythm and became synced as they lead each other to oblivion. Both attempting to reach the highest of the high. It wasn’t long before they were both granted their wishes.

  The very next morning while Danity was sleeping, RaKeem slipped his boxers over his ass and grabbed his cell. Stretching his long arms, he figured he get his day started. Pretty sure that it was near the time that Reed had to be heading to class, he guessed he’d see her out. Anytime that he stayed over Danity’s, he’d do the exact same thing.

  Standing by the window, he watched as the students filed out of the dormitory and to their respectable classes. Checking the time, he saw that Reed had just twenty minutes to make her first class, the one that she was having the exam in. Knowing her routine, RaKeem counted down the minutes until she was to depart.

  Like clockwork, she came speeding out of the door, causing Keem to smile. Reed looked very pretty in her dark blue denim, silk button down, and nude Red Bottom high top tennis. With the amount of walking she’d be doing, she had to stay comfortable. Otherwise, Reed would’ve worn a pair of designer pumps, and had no issues. She did it everyday. However, this particular class was on the other side of campus, and her toes would be screaming by the time that she made it –if she would have.

  Reed seemed so determined as she maneuvered her way through the crowd. Just as she stepped towards the grass to avoid the mass amount of people on the curb, she was stopped by a Caucasian male with blonde hair. Reed seemed familiar with him as she halted to see exactly what he was saying.

  Immediately, Keem became alarmed. He watched on as she smiled at whatever was being said. Placing his hand on Reed’s shoulder, he leaned in to whisper something in her ear. That got some fire under RaKeem’s ass. Hot lava flowed through his chest as he wondered exactly what was going on down there. If RaKeem could, he’d pay to hear the words being exchanged.

  Deciding to do the next best thing, he took to his cell and dialed Reed’s number. As he expected, she answered, right on time. Pulling away from the guy, she ended their conversation. Waving goodbye to whoever the cat was that had stopped her, she turned her attention to RaKeem.

  “Who are you talking to?” he half joked, knowing that she’d start to look around.

  “Where are you?” she asked, stopping to check out her surroundings. RaKeem seemed to catch on to everything.

  For the life of her she couldn’t figure out how he knew so much when he didn’t live on campus. At any given moment, he’d be able to express what she was doing and where she was doing it. It was creepy at first, but she’d gotten used to the antics. Keem was like her personal stalker. That was one of the main reasons that she was forever on her best behavior.

  “I’m at home. Resting. I wish that you were here with me. Who was that guy?” Keem asked again.

  Sighing, Reed thought about how nice it would be to be laying beside RaKeem, but she had so much on her plate wit
h school that she couldn’t free up. Maybe for the weekend, she’d go over and spend time with him. “Nobody. A guy named Sam who is in Biology with me.” she admitted. “Who called you that quick?”

  “Don’t worry, I have eyes all over the place.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t be trusting all of these eyes.” Reed laughed.

  “This particular set, I have no other choice but to.” He countered. “Are you ready for your exam?” he quickly changed the subject, satisfied with her response.

  “Yeah. I think that I’ll be just fine. How did you sleep last night?” Reed wondered.

  “I slept well,” Keem looked over to Danity, she was beginning to stir. Not wanting to blow his cover, he ended the call with Reed, “I didn’t want much. Get your mind right before you go into class, and I will see you when you get out. We have a run to make.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know you do.” Keem ended the call, placing the phone near his chest. It was beating rapidly, as he waited for Danity to open her eyes. He was so happy that Reed had just hung up, because Danity was coming to.

  “Good morning,” he hovered over Danity, waking her fully.

  “Hey.” She stretched her arms, hoping to catch a quickie before the man of the hours decided to run. Danity knew that it would be soon. “I left you a toothbrush out on the counter.” She told Keem. He never used the same one while over. After the first use, he’d trash them. Danity was forever buying packs at a time. There was no use in buying anything fancy, because it would only get thrown away.

  “Good looking. I have to run, but…”

  “I know. I know. I know.” Danity cut RaKeem’s statement short. “But I was wondering if we could… You know… One more time.” she lifted herself from the bed. In the nude, she stood rubbing her right finger tip over her bare chest. Keem’s dick betrayed him as he looked back out of the window. Reed was still visible, but quickly disappearing.

  Looking back towards Danity, he realized she’d sprinted to the small sink area. She was preparing to brush her teeth. Keem studied as she bent over, making her ass shake while pushing the brush back and forth in her mouth. Along with her ass, her tits were bouncing as well. Danity was well aware of the powers her pussy possessed. It was irresistible, and Keem didn’t mind the thought of sliding back in just once more for the road. Besides, he didn’t know when he’d be free again.

  Shrugging, he grabbed another condom from the drawer and slid it on. Walking towards Danity, she smiled wide at him. Spitting her toothpaste into the sink, she bent over and filled her mouth with water. Perfect, Keem thought. He slid right into her tunnel while she nearly choked on the water that she’d taken in. Catching her breath, she held on to the sink while RaKeem entered her. Danity’s knuckles turned white as she gripped each side, trying to relieve the pain and focus on the pleasure that was sure to come next.


  Bright as the sun’s rays, RaKeem brightened Reed’s day. He sat idly on the hood of the new Phantom with a huge batch of flowers in each of his hands. Reed could barely contain her smile as she walked along side of KinZu.

  “Awwwwww.” KinZu stopped, witnessing the love displayed between the two. “You two are just perfect.”

  Reed could only blush at the simple, yet meaningful, gesture. RaKeem was always surprising her with the most random fancies. Although small, they meant everything to Reed. Mainly because they were a product of his beautiful thoughts. Anything that Keem threw in her direction was pure perfection.

  “Good evening,” RaKeem nodded. He’d stepped from the car and made his way to the pathway that Reed took each Thursday from her class. “Lovely.” He added.

  “Hey, RaKeem.”

  “These are for you.” He handed her the very first batch. “And these are yours, too.” He handed over the second.

  Burying her nose deep into the smelly flowers, she inhaled their sweet aroma. Exhaling, she closed her eyes and smiled. She was a very lucky girl. Life had attempted to break and confuse her, but she’d became a victor. Stopping to smell the roses, as simple as it seemed, was a task that she took pride in.

  “Thanks so much. I love them.” Reed opened her eyes and looked into Keem’s. “They’re so pretty.” She looked back down at the colorful assortment. Pink, yellow, white, and red roses were all bunched together, creating a colorful combustion.

  “Just as you are, love.” RaKeem was forever running game on his Reed.

  He loved to get a rise out of her. Whenever she was feeling good, their day went much better. He’d made it his goal to treat her like the queen that she was –even with so much time elapsing between the two. Through the years, he’d witnessed his older brother, RahMeek, see to it that his wife was happy every second of the day, and he simply wanted to replicate the smile that she often wore on his girl’s face.

  In his opinion, it was better to see her smile. The random bickering that they did was useless and caused rippled in their days. Those times never lasted long, but they were still tough. Being that the couple was inseparable, the tension would be thick –even if only for a few.

  “What’s good, Kin?” Keem nodded, acknowledging the only friend that Reed had acquired during her entire stint of college. She wasn’t one to run with crowds. Keem preferred it that way. Besides, KinZu was cool people, and had Reed’s best interest at heart.

  “Hey Keem.” She smiled. “I swear you love to show Jonathan up.” She joked. “I wish I could get some flowers.”

  “You can. Life’s short, get you a real nigga.” He chastised, grabbing Reed around the neck and pulling her into his side. “… And it’ll be Christmas everyday, B.”

  Sighing, KinZu took everything that he’d said in. Maybe he was right. Jonathan was everything but a stand up dude. KinZu was well aware that she deserved much more than she was being dealt, but she just wasn’t ready to throw the towel in. In the back of her mind, he’d get his shit together. Hopefully, it was soon, because she was growing tired of him.

  “Yeah.” KinZu nodded, lowering her head from slight embarrassment.

  “We’re about to head on out. She’ll get at you in a few.” RaKeem dismissed he and Reed from KinZu’s presence. Instead of continuing to her dorm, she took a seat on the bench nearest her. Sitting down, she stared at the beaming sun –attempting to collect her thoughts.

  Hearing the thoughts of another man concerning her very own afflictions just wasn’t sitting well with her. KinZu wondered what Keem must've thought of her for staying with Jonathan as long as she had. She was sure that he’d heard the stories, saw the photos, and even heard her cries. There had been many times that he’d walked in on her after an episode. Each time, he’d overlook her circumstances, never judging –but always advising her of the more promising opportunities out in the world.

  “Guess who it is?” KinZu heard from behind. Her face had been completely covered.

  Happiness soared through her veins as she noted the Gucci cologne that was hard to mistake. The smell invaded her nostrils, and she took the time to simply glorify the feeling that her boyfriend gave her each time he was in her presence.

  “My long lost lover, Jonathan.” KinZu perked up. She’d missed him something awful.

  “What’s up baby girl?” he asked, removing his hand and pulling her from her seat. Flexing his muscles, he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. KinZu hugged Jonathan’s neck, kissing his lips and face.

  He chuckled, laughing at her clinginess. KinZu was forever acting as if they’d gone weeks without seeing one another. In actuality, it had only been a day or two. He loved her nonetheless, though. It felt good to be wanted, and even better to feel needed. Jonathan knew that his girl loved him, and that she had him ego tripping.

  “I missed you, too.” He joked.

  “How’d you know I missed you?” KinZu stopped to ask.

  “Shit, cause you holding on to a nigga like he’s about to disappear.” Jonathan spoke in third person.

  “I never know
with you.” She reminded. “What happened to you last night?” KinZu lowered herself onto the ground.

  “I was tired, baby. I’m sorry. I fell asleep.” He lied.

  “That’s funny. Did you fall asleep before or after yo invited Rachel over?” KinZu asked. “Because I’m certain you got my message. She was in your room.”

  “And you know that she’s my tutor. I had an exam this morning. I needed to freshen up on my studies to make sure a nigga didn’t flunk. Coach ain’t playing that shit. He already said it.”

  “I told you that I could help you.”

  “And I told you that a nigga wouldn’t be able to focus on shit but getting some good. I can’t think about work while I’m alone with you, and you already know that. We tried, remember?”

  “Yeah.” KinZu smiled, thinking about the time that she’d helped Jonathan to study for a test.

  Needless to say, he barely passed. They’d spent the entire night making love. Study guides, books, and notes were sprawled all over the bed underneath them as they became engrossed with one another’s bodies. KinZu remembered it being their most pleasurable encounter.

  “Exactly. Now, you going to hound a nigga, or keep showing me some love?” Jonathan spread his arms out, and waited for KinZu to step back into his embrace.

  Just like he thought, all was forgiven. It was more of the same thing each and every time that he was caught red handed. He’d be sure to have a reasonable explanation each time that KinZu had gotten on to him. Of course he’d had Rachel with her ass in the air, pumping his life away throughout the entire night –but he’d never tell her that. As ironic as it sounded, he would hate to hurt her. His actions might have been questionable, but he knew that KinZu was a great girl. Jonathan chalked his immaturity up with age as his excuse. Soon, he knew that he’d get his shit together. That time just wasn’t now. Besides, he had everything under control. When he felt his luck running out, he’d cool it. For now, he was all good.